Other valuable resources in our community
Fire Service:
Weaverville Fire Department phone number: 530-623-6156
Cal-Fire seasonal Hayfork Station phone number: 530-628-4755
Forest Service Hayfork Station phone number: 530-628-5227
Emergency Medical Services: When an emergency happens its good to know your in good hands and have the peace of mind knowing your travel and care to the hospital will be financially covered when you become a member of the following EMS services:
Trinity Life Support
Hayfork TLS Station phone: 530-628-5893
Weaverville TLS Station phone 530-623-2500
Law Enforcement:
Trinity County Sheriffs Office phone number: 530-623-2611
Abuse Help:
Human Response Network
Community Center on Tule Creek Road Hayfork, CA 96041 Phone: 530-628-4565
111 Mountain View Street in Weaverville, CA 96093 Phone: 530-623-2024 Toll Free: 1-800-358-5251
24 HOUR crisis phone number: 530-623-HELP
Text Or Email 911
Text to 911 does exist in Trinity through as well as E911@trinitycounty.org. Text to 911 is a valuable resource, especially for hikers who have minimal service.